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Gobie Appliance Visit them on Facebook or Call 248-765-2077 for your appliance repair needs
The Modern Peacock Visit them on Facebook or Call 586-232-9827
Rusted Crow Distillery 6065 N. Telegraph Rd. Dearborn Heights, MI. 48127 313-551-4164 www.rustedcrowspirits.com
Steampunk Tap Room 7722 Auburn Rd. Utica, MI 48317 586-262-4182 www.steampunkcraftbeer.com
Eight Plates Farm: Grass Based Beef and Pork Mayville, MI www.eightplatesfarm.com 989-553-2295
Oasis Organizing Clarkston, MI. 48346 www.oasisorganizing.com 248-623-6888
Molly Pitchers Co. Pottery Virginia Rose - Ceramic Artist & Teacher Facebook @mollypitcherco
Kekoa Brew Co. 3351 Third Street Wyandotte, MI 734-556-3030 kekoabrewco.com
Pupper Budder Treats 5946 Thomas Rd. Oxford, MI 248-240-2071 pupperbuddertreats.com